Memorial Day Catch-Up

Well, it’s been a while since I’ve posted – lots of things going on in the lead-up to our last graduation, including the OMG-Karen’s-going-to-be-gone-for-a-whole-week panic at work. The Little Kid’s graduation went well, and he is now officially on to the next chapter:

FBHS Class of 2015.
FBHS Class of 2015.

The Big Kid has joined the Navy, and has a ship date of 16 December, to Great Lakes, MI, for boot, then to San Diego for Sonar Tech school. He is very excited! And, Little Kid may be right behind him, though he was talking about Army Reserve before his brother started talking Navy.

Aunt Deb, the Grad, the Sailor, and Aunt Anne.
Aunt Deb, the Grad, the Sailor, and Aunt Anne.
The Graduate and his Grandmother.
The Graduate and his Grandmother.
Dad, the Grad, Mom.
Dad, the Grad, Mom.

While all of this was going on, Iris Season came and went, so here are a couple of shots I’ve been saving:

This is a cool color combo :)
This is a cool color combo 🙂


In stitching news, there hasn’t been a lot, because every waking moment before graduation was spent getting everything ready (for the end of school and for company coming). But since I last posted, I’ve had the following picks from the Project Randomizer:


I had an entire page of confetti where the wording is, and I got a decent amount of confetti done, as well as more yellow background. I am now officially all the way across for several rows; lots and lots of wording still to come, but eventually, I’ll wrap down to the next row of pages, and the main part of Chat Noir himself:

Chat Noir, charted by Jaenne Bonner - 22ct aida & DMC.
Chat Noir, charted by Jaenne Bonner – 22ct aida & DMC.

My next pick was:


I did not get much time at all on this, between the last band concerts I’ll ever get to go to, and band awards, and 10-hour workdays, but fortunately, the sky on this is all half-stitch, so I go about 2500 half stitches in, and got the Zebras completely done, as well:

Noah's Sub by Stoney Creek - on much-too-light-for-this Vikki Clayton 36ct linen, using DMC.
Noah’s Sub by Stoney Creek – on much-too-light-for-this Vikki Clayton 36ct linen, using DMC.

Detail shot of the zebras and the sky – you’ll notice a void there in the pink of the sky, which will have a killer whale in it eventually:


I did manage to get the Music piece framed in time for Band Kid to give to his band director at the Band Awards night; he made some remark about how we have these things all over our house, and his mom thought the band director would like to have one for his house, too:


Since I had an opening in the travel bag – and I needed a break from Stoney Creek – I dug out a design I’ve had kitted for ages. I’d seen a finish of it online somewhere years ago, and when I found out it was a Vickery Collection chart, I looked for it and couldn’t find it. I e-mailed the designer, and at the time, it was actually available for free download from Free, to which they sent me the link. I downloaded it immediately and kitted it up with one of the first pieces of Silkweaver fabrics I’d received from my FOTM club from them. I got a start on it one night at IHOP, and then, worked on it a good bit out on the deck in the nice breeze yesterday:

Dragonflies by Mike Vickery, on 32ct Jazlyn, Silkweaver solo, using DMC & various metallics (that i added - dragonflies HAVE to have metallics).
Dragonflies by Mike Vickery, on 32ct Jazlyn, Silkweaver solo, using DMC & various metallics (that i added – dragonflies HAVE to have metallics).

My last pick from the Randomizer came up with this:


I have gotten almost nothing done on it this past week – haven’t even gotten 4 hours stitching all week, so hopefully I can breeze through the rest of Part 8 this week 🙂

Chatelaine Secret Victorian Garden, on Pewter jobelan, using all the charted silks & metallics. This is the top house, Part 8 started.
Chatelaine Secret Victorian Garden, on Pewter jobelan, using all the charted silks & metallics. This is the top house, Part 8 started.

And that’s the news for the last month plus. Back to work tomorrow 🙁 Of course, I’m sure I’ll spend all day tomorrow doing damage control on everything that happened last week while I was out; I turned my work laptop on once, just to check my e-mail count, and it was up to over 800 on Tuesday, so that can’t be a good sign 🙁 But I will be spending the rest of this Memorial Day stitching, and trying to prep myself mentally for what I’ll find in the morning…. Until next time, Happy Stitching and


6 thoughts on “Memorial Day Catch-Up”

  1. It’s been a while (or at least it feels like it) since I’ve seen Chat.. Noah’s Sub is looking good too. Nice start on the dragonflies.

    Congrats to both LK on his graduation and BK on the beginning of his new adventure!

  2. First of all big congrats to BK and LK on their achievements and to both you and your DH on producing such fine young men! I really don’t know how you do it all and still find time to stitch, but I love seeing your various progresses. Well done!

  3. Congrats to both “kids” on their next chapters!

    Love all of your stitches….especially the cat!!! The ark is also fabulous!!!!!!

  4. Congrats on getting LK graduated! Your BK is coming to my state for boot?? I hope you enjoyed the end of the school year and all that goes with. I know it’s crazy when it’s happening but it’s fun! Fun to take a trip down memory lane with your old WIP. Many of them I remember from the old yahoo groups.

  5. how much have I been missing from your blog?! gosh!
    look at the Rife family! I don’t think I ever saw you all! so very nice to meet you!! 🙂
    youngsters and their take on needlework! ah! 😀
    I’m glad you managed to get the music piece finished and framed in time, and look at all that progress on the Ark, I love it! (can’t wait to see the whale by the way)
    the black cat I had completely forgotten about, silly me! just be a confetti killer that one, ouch!
    yeah, dragonflies and metallics to have to go together, well done on that one.
    I do not envy your catching up. repeat: I do not envy that. 800 emails must be hell, pure hell. not to mention they definitely didn’t stop at 800, did they?! 🙁 <3

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