Update is Posted to WordPress Blog

Since I have not found the magic formula to push my new blog home to HERE, if there IS a magic formula, for the time being, I will post a LINK to this week’s update (since I looked for an IMPORT feature here, and am not finding that, either). You can see this week’s update HERE: https://rifestitch.jaysez.org/2012/08/lets-give-this-a-try-an-update-post/

That link will take you to my new home, though I AM also trying to get it to push to the same page on the WordPress.com page, and so far, am not having any success there, either. I really hate technology most of the time….

Let’s Give This a Try – an UPDATE POST!

We’ll see how this goes, here in the new pages. And just because I am likely to forget, this page will hopefully always appear the same in 2 places – the “home” is the .jaysez.org domain, thanks to my friend Jackie who offered to partition off some space for me. Then, everything I put there should push on to the wordpress.com page, which may or may not look just like the “home” of On Beads & Needles. Whether or not this can be pushed to Blogger is still in research phase….

Before I get into the stitching bits, I would like to mention the passing of a fellow Buckeye, who I think pretty much everyone on the PLANET has heard of, Neil Armstrong. I’ll admit, I think you have to be a special kind of crazy to be an astronaut (or a SEAL, or anyone who willingly serves on a sub); after visiting Kennedy Space Center, and of course, having watched The Right Stuff and Apollo 13 numerous times, I am even more convinced that anyone who would willingly go up in a giant ball of flame to then be in a little metal can in a completely hostile environment – yeah, that’s crazy! BUT, thank god there are people like that out there, or where would we be today? Still eating our kills raw, I expect 🙂 And for all those conspiracy theorists out there, no, I do NOT believe the moon landing was a hoax; I do believe that you need a new hobby (like confirming whether Marilyn was killed to cover up her flings with those Kennedy boys 🙂 ).  To quote the man himself,

It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth. I put up my thumb and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet Earth. I didn’t feel like a giant. I felt very, very small.

In other news, many of you have seen that Marilyn Leavitt-Imblum also passed away last week, I assume due to her MS. While I am not a fan of her designs in general, I do love her Celtic Seasons series, and of course, Celtic Banner is one of my favorite projects. Her daughter, Nora, of course, has a few things in my stash and one on my wall (Halloween Fairy), as well. MLI was one of the front runners in the war on internet piracy, and IMO a bit over the top, but I understand where she was coming from, even if I think it’s kinda dumb to punish us honest folks to not deter the bad ones one bit… Anywho, RIP MLI.

Now that I have used up today’s quota of TLAs (three letter acronyms), on to the stitching bits….

First, I finally completed Part 2 of the L*K Very Scary Mystery! I worked on it Tuesday night at IHOP, and during a couple of lunches, and then again on Saturday at our August PINS, and had it almost done – so finished it up on Sunday afternoon. And yes, I know I am jinxing myself, but I HOPE there are no more of those leaves in Part 3, or if there is, only 1. NOT my favorite motif – and I can’t get that Honeysuckle WDW to lay nicely for me, so it’s the color I like the least on this. Here is Part 2 – all ironed and everything!

I will try to get the #2 Bonus done this week, IF I have enough thread; Laurel forgot to include my 2nd skein of Kohl when she sent Part 2 out, so I may just have enough – or I might not.

My main project for the week was Halloween Quaker, on which I am almost all the way across on now! These motifs take longer than you think they will when you start (which is kinda why Mary Wigham is not done yet). But so far, these motifs are easier than those in MW, especially for me since I can be counting-challenged sometimes 🙂 Here is the whole thing to date, on ht e40ct HDF Jackalope, using my own conversion to HDF silks:

On 40ct HDF linen in Jackalope, using my own conversion of HDF silks – black, Wrasse Green, and a few of the Sue Purples 🙂

And here is a close-up of the area I worked this week, so you can see the details on the witch hats and the bat’s eyes (hopefully):


I put this back on the floor stand after I took the pictures last night, so I assume I will work on it some this week; I only have one motif to the right to be the full width, so I may stop after I get that one done, or I may go on. When I do stop, I may be getting MW out, so she’ll get some progress again, and MAYBE inch closer to being done this year. OR I may work on something else entirely, though what that might be is anyone’s guess, especially with all the Halloween stuff piling up 🙂 I NEED to put Bone Cheeks on the floor stand for a couple of days, see if I can push that to the end, and make room in the travel bag for those Prairie Schooler pieces 🙂 🙂 🙂 Since I seriously doubt I can see the 36ct EEK! for Bat Banner unless it’s under my Ott light 🙂

Until next week, Happy Stitching!

Change is Good, Change is Good….

If I keep saying that, that’ll make it true, right? Because I don’t have enough of these shenanigans at work, I now get to uproot the last 6-7 years of my blogosphere life and start over. Fortunately, I have friends who are willing to help me out 🙂 And 11 years of Oracle experience of what NOT to do, if it can be helped 🙁

So, while I figure things out and build & tear down, please pardon the mess – as always, this is an ELTWIP (Extremely Long Term Work In Progress)….